2021 Events ArchivePast Events
Tales from the CyberSalon – #4 Future of Money
Tales from Cyber Salon: a series of interdisciplinary technology and policy investigations through science-fiction writing.
About this event
NOV 30. 2021 6:30pm (GMT)
With Bank of England releasing new digital currency, Jamaica and Marshall Island already doing so and Canada coming close, we need to understand what is this new landscape of digital finance and how should we respond.
We have invited 3 well known leaders in fin-tech:
- David Birch – author of excellent future finance books “Currency Cold War” and “Beyond Babylon, beyond bitcoin”
- Jana Histova – presenter of the top fin-tech podcast The Purse
- Caron Lyon – co-producer of innovative NFT for new actors backed by Arts Council
Eva Pascoe – The Summoned
Sophie Sparham – The Accountant
Paul Curion – The Money Talk
Stephen Oram – Failing Fathers
Read their Tales here and join us on 30th of November for new sci-fi stories on the topic of Future of Money and discussion with the experts.
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