Tales from the CyberSalon – #1 New Normals in Health
Cybersalon presents: ‘Tales from the Cyber Salon’; a series of interdisciplinary, technology and policy investigations through science-fiction storytelling. Spanning four events across the year, ‘Tales from the Cyber Salon’ will feature newly commissioned, speculative short stories written for the exploration of Healthcare, The High Street, Social Communities and Political Representation.
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Join us for our inaugural event on Tuesday, 30th March where we will be interrogating where we are, and where our current paths might be taking us in the technologization of healthcare.
To help explore our tales on this theme and those of scaling care, data protection, intersections with AI, robotics and machine learning we will be joined on the night by:
- Dr Christine Aicardi – Kings College Informatics & Senior Research Fellow at the Human Brain Project
- Professor Lucy Hooberman – Director of Digital Media & Innovation at WMG, University of Warwick.
- Angus Fraser – Cybersalonista, Entrepreneur & AI Developer
- Ryan Battles – MySense AI
Telling their tales on the night and providing their stories from March 22nd on Cybersalon’s Medium page to seed the discussion will be;
- Stephen Oram
- Benjamin Greenaway
- Britta F. Schulte
- Jule Owen
Cybersalon Chairperson: Eva Pascoe
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Dr Christine Aicardi, Kings College Informatics & Senior Research Fellow at the Human Brain Project Foresight Laboratory Research interests encompass social, futures, and contemporary history studies of artificial intelligence broadly understood (autonomous, adaptive, evolutionary and intelligent systems; brain-inspired computing; robotics) and computational neuroscience, aiming to trace some of their entwined genealogies and to situate them within wider sociotechnical systems and imaginaries, in order to understand their import for digital society.
Professor Lucy Hooberman, Director of Digital Media & Innovation at WMG, University of Warwick. Co-author of three papers looking at GP’s responses to NHS ratings apps and how the public view NHS Choices and apps. Qualitatative research with NHS staff and citizens of the West Midlands to design an NHS digital health service, with Essential Research and Maverick TV. Current research interest is in the application of VR to the treatment of PTSD, designing a data and digital media literacy curriculum. Lucy is a member of BAFTA and the RSA, and a documentary filmmaker. She is currently looking into the intersection of privacy, health data, data-driven government and Silicon Valley.
Angus Fraser, entrepreneur & AI developer in avionic and maritime drone rescue applications, founder of Visual Monitoring Face Mask alert tool for schools and retail and campaigner for safe AI in Smart Cities. Angus speaks regularly at Cybersalon. Most recently on Facial Recognition technology
Ryan Battles of MySense AI
Stephen Oram writes science fiction. He is a founding curator for near-future fiction at Virtual Futures and a writer for SciFutures. His Nudge the Future collections have been praised by publications as diverse as The Morning Star and The Financial Times.
Benjamin Greenaway writes to avoid a life in politics and to shortcut the product development cycle. An unpublished amateur of short stories whose career in software engineering, start-ups, the web and education has taught him the benefits of a good story.
Britta F. Schulte writes about technologies in elderly care: during the day as Research Assistant at the Bauhaus University Weimar and at night as @brifrischu. Their stories have been published in their PhD thesis ‘Homes for Life’ as well as various zines.
Jule Owen was born in the North of England. She now lives in the south, where the people are surprisingly friendly, the weather is warmer, and there are more museums, but she misses the wide-open spaces and the excellent quality tap water. Her working life has been spent helping businesses build online technology, including a short stint in the video games industry. These days, she helps build tech products that involve automation and machine learning. Her books are her creative response to the exponential growth of technological innovation in the era of climate change, with a bit of magic thrown in.