Research Seminar – The Ethical Economy
Collaborative ethics, promotional cultures and digital media
Tuesday 17th February 5pm – Middlesex University. Hendon Campus – Room 107
Guest Speaker: Prof. Adam Arvidsson (University of Milan)
The event will explore the different aspects around the new ‘collaborative economy’ that is emerging out of the crisis of corporate capitalism: peer production, the sharing economy, co-working spaces, impact business and prosumerism.
Professor Adam Arvidsson from University of Milan will discuss how a more ethical economic system can emerge that rectifies the crisis of our current downturn, while balancing the injustices of extreme poverty and wealth.
Join us to discuss how innovations in production, valuation and distribution systems interplay can potentially demonstrate that social production and the motivation of continuous capital accumulation can exist hand-in-hand with a new desire to maximize social impact.
Respondents: Sophia Drakopoulou (Middlesex University, Cybersalon) and Alessandro Gandini (Middlesex University).
In association with the Promotional Cultures Research Group at Middlesex University and Cybersalon.
My evolving project maybe of great interest, and relevance. It is called Transfinancial Economics.
Also, the following link maybe of value http://www.p2pfoundation.net/Universal_Debating_Project
any chance this event to be broadcasted for those who are interested but leaving far ?
(Pretty please ?)
Hi, unfortunately the event was not recorded – however, as a rule of thumb we record and archive of all our main monthly events. I’m sorry for this.